Friday, 31 August 2012

5 facts about Zsara

Hey, Zsara here, this is my first time writing on this WILD blog, so yeah.
Here are five interesting facts about me!

1. My favourite bible verse is Proverbs 31:10 and it says "Who can find a virtuous woman? Her worth is more precious than rubies."

2. i love to dance, sing and act

3. im a vegetarian

4. at the minute me and Zani are making up a dance and we are going to teach the rest of the girls! : D

5.  and i am major obsessed with, chocolate, NINJAS (i am one) and Penguins!!

so there you have it, some weird but interesting facts about me!
if you want to look at my own blog:.... (click here)

~ Zsara Jade ~ xx

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

"...I smell like a man"

"..I smell like a man.." 

It all started when Me, Zani, Saff and Hannah went out in to hanley to do some shopping Zsara wasn't there cause she was grounded for something ( haha.... ).

Ok back to when it started, when we finished doing the clothes shopping we went down tescos to get some Junk food ( Gummy bears , Strawberry laces and Oreos yum yum)

...yeah i know we are kinda junkies, but what can i say, i guess we love sweeties yeah but before we got down to the junk food aisle, we stopped by the make-up aisle and then by the spray (deodorant) bit, which we love, so me and the Zani got a bottle of guys lynx spray...

 and then we started spraying it on our self sooooo the,  "I SMELL LIKE A MAN"...
 just came out of my mouth and since then we've been saying "I SMELL LIKE A MEN" to all the boys that we pass when we are hanging out, haha, its just funny, hahahaha, thats because we are WILD!

Have a fun week! :-) :-)

Zezi <3

"I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10b

Monday, 27 August 2012

The Bourne Legacy

Today us girls went to see the cinema to see The Bourne Legacy, we were meant to be seeing Ice age 4 but for some reason it wasn't on..

 Anyway, The Bourne Legacy was epic! We loved it, its an action thriller film, full of running and jumping and shooting and all that kind of stuff, it was really good! It was one of those films where your sitting on the edge if your seat all  the way through the film.. you just dont know what's going to happen next!

We had lots of *ahem* unhealthy snacks...but hey, were young, its ok! We had popcorn (of course!), biscuits, gummy bears, cheese puffs, chocolate and other little random sweet treats which made the day even more fun...we got a little silly and loud at one point though, i guess thats when all the sugar really kicked in! haha!

Its sad, that were all going back to school/college next week, six weeks has gone by so quickly, its like.. *blink*.....and its gone! Its a shame but we've enjoyed the holidays, been hanging out and having fun and being random and wild together :-D

So thank you girls, for that, lets make the most of this last week before we all go back to school/college next week!!

By Saff xox

Tuesday, 21 August 2012


I was just thinking about this I'm going look at cartoons then make them like all the girls here we go..


~ by Zani :-D x x

p.s - click (here) and it will take you to a facebook page about a bible verse and its really good, you should like it if you agree with it.!!

Monday, 20 August 2012

Sister hood

We are wild as you already know.
 We are a group of best friends but it's more like a group of sisters that trust in Christ to guide us in everything we do. 

 When we are together we are really crazy.
 As us girls are all Christians, that means we are sisters in Christ. Which means we have to treat each other like sisters, we have to respect and love one another.
 Here is what the bible says about being brothers and sisters in Christ.

So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Romans 12:5

Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity. 1 Timothy 5:1-2

For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister.. Matthew 12:50

Let brotherly love continue. Hebrews 13:1

By Zezi and Zani :-)

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Wild pictures

We found some really cool photos earlier, so we put we'd put them on here, photos are cool yeh.

by all of us... :-D

Saturday, 18 August 2012


So basically this blog is by 

We are a group of girls that love the Lord and because of that can get excited and a little WILD at times!
When us girls are together we like to.... sing, dance, listen to music and write our own, go shopping, come up with fun ideas, go to church, laugh a lot, and whatever else!

On this blog we will be writing about new songs we've written together, things that God has been showing us, testimony's, fun times out and lots of other stuff, so keep checking to see what new stuff we put on here! ;-)

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