Hey guys Zsara here!! : )
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I pray you forgive me!
Anyway, I just for some odd reason wanted to post about our personalities. Weird right? I know!
But im gonna write about it anyway.
Me, Saff, and Hannah are quite girly. Not like '' *screammm* I chipped my nail '' I mean were more girly then tomboy. But we all have a WILD side... who doesn't??
Zani and Zezi are more tomboyish. I know they wont mind me saying. There not total tomboys, but they like acting the part. If ya get me?!
All of us are abit Crazy! : D We all like to sing and dance. Some more then others but we all take part. Each of our personalities are different, none of us are the same. We are each are unique in our own way.
But even though we have different personalities we all bond, and except each other the way they are. And there is deffonately one thing I know we have in common........
'' Love For Jesus....!!! ''
Were gonna praise him through everything we do! And through WILD of course.
Im rambling a little bit now, Hope you dont mind.
Love you alllllllll...... Yes YOU! ; )
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
* Stay Lovely, Zsara Jade *
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Thursday, 13 June 2013
So everything's kinda hectic and frantic presently, so us girls don't often have time to blog, okay? Gooood.
Life sure doesn't stop for anybody and actually there isn't really a lot we can do about it. SO we just got to hold on tight, stay focused, keep calm and carry on!
I know that Zezi and Hannah are both busy with exams and revision and lots of homework, so they struggle to find time to set aside to write blog posts. Also, me with college is kinda busy and I have plenty of coursework and I don't spend a lot of time at home, apart from evenings and then its too late! But we are trying!
So although we may not be able to update our readers on our life's on here, you can catch up with us via our new twitter account! (@thewildgirls7)
Hopefully when the summer holidays finally arrive we will all be able to see each other a whole lot more and plan more ideas for this blog...rather than you having to wait like 2months for our next post, ha!
Anywhoooo... I'll leave you with some like bomb pictures....
Be cool y'all. I love you all a lot.....but God loves you all like zillions more.
Peace out & eat gummy bears xo
Sunday, 5 May 2013
6 questions // Zezi
Hey guys it's me Zezi.. sorry i haven't wrote on here like in ages and ages and ages but Saff reminded me to do a post. So here goes 6 questions about moi { me }.
Purple, red ,blue and loads more.
.... pizza, burgers, chips, chicken, gummy bears ,toffee, strawberry laces, chocolates, doughnuts, custard creams, ice lollys, ben and jerrys, pasta ,lasagna, rice, walimaragi, cereal, bacon, cheese, oreos, and loads more. LOL AM A RIGHT FATTY ARENT I.. Well what can i say..
. Put your bibles in the air { black knight }
. Mirror { justin timberlake }
. Try { Pink }
. Just give me a reason { Pink }
. Better than you { Lecrae }
.thats easy.
. Snapbacks
. Beanies
.Shoooooooeeeeeeesssssss. { i love shoes not high heels well not girly shoes. }
. Netball
. Football
. Baskeball
. Bench ball
. Rounders
. Throwing
. High jumps
. Long jump
. I have to say Sundays because i go to church and worship the name of the Lord with some amazing people.
So like thats it from me .
Purple, red ,blue and loads more.
.... pizza, burgers, chips, chicken, gummy bears ,toffee, strawberry laces, chocolates, doughnuts, custard creams, ice lollys, ben and jerrys, pasta ,lasagna, rice, walimaragi, cereal, bacon, cheese, oreos, and loads more. LOL AM A RIGHT FATTY ARENT I.. Well what can i say..
. Put your bibles in the air { black knight }
. Mirror { justin timberlake }
. Try { Pink }
. Just give me a reason { Pink }
. Better than you { Lecrae }
.thats easy.
. Snapbacks
. Beanies
.Shoooooooeeeeeeesssssss. { i love shoes not high heels well not girly shoes. }
. Netball
. Football
. Baskeball
. Bench ball
. Rounders
. Throwing
. High jumps
. Long jump
. I have to say Sundays because i go to church and worship the name of the Lord with some amazing people.
So like thats it from me .
love you all God bless.xxxxxxxxxx
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
15 questions // Zsara
1) What's your blog?
# www.zsarajade.wordpress.com
2) What's your favourite item of clothing?
# Ermm.... well I loooooove dressesssss!!...
3) Do you prefer milkshake or hot chocolate?
# Well, it depends on the seasons. Winter = hot chocolate, Summer = milkshake
4) What is your favourite bible verse?
# Probably.. Proverbs: 3-15
5) What songs have you been listening to lately?
# Never alone :Barlowgirl, Freq dat : Group1crew,
His kind of love :Group1crew (please listen )
6) What's been the best thing about this year?
# erm... i don't know probably going to see LZ7
7) If you could own any shop, which would it be?
# erm... Dorothy Perkins or New Look!
8) What do you find so amazing about God?
# His gentleness and guidance!
9) What you gonna blog about next?
# i don't know if im in a good mood something crazy, but if im just bored something plain!
10) If you could be a crayon, what colour would you be?
# deffinitely would be YELLOW so people know I want to shine!
11) What are your five favourite things?
# Hmm... ( thinking ) God, Family, Friends, Singing, Danceing
12) Do you like chocolate?
# Like it?? I LOVE IT!
13) What do you like to do in your spare time?
# Deffinitely... singing, dancing, and being with Wild crew
14) What does God mean to you?
# Everything!
15) What do you want for Chistmas?
# Il'd love to have a dog! or some more nailvarnish, i don't mind.
....there'll be more coming soon!! :-))))))
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
The Beauty of Believing
If Christ was here now, if he had never died on the cross, what would be the point of believing? Or if we were born with superpowers, amazing good looks, gifted talents, why would we need hope or to persevere?
Personally the one that stuck out for me, is in the title "Beauty." Even since i started highschool, i realised what i looked like, before i just looked in the mirror with puffy hair, bright blue eyes, a happy face and i just smiled, and thought i'm gonna be model when im older!! But then the torture of being a teenager came along, and i started seeing that my hips got bigger, and i started putting on some weight, and i have a couple of zits appearing.
So like any normal teenager i stopped eating for like ages....(i gave in around a couples of hours :p) Started wearing long cardigans to cover up my hips, and i wore a lot of foundation :-)
But none of that seemed to help....over the years when my faith kicked in, and God took control i started to lose the things that i loved the most... and I thought...
"Err...God i like my life...why are u changing it?! Sure some things are bad, i might misbehave at school but my faith has grown stronger...surely that must be worth keeping for!"
Although i lost a great deal, my popularity, some of my friends, my self-esteem. Things i knew deep down, that i could never get back......
But i now realise after maybe two years, that i did start off in the wrong path, I didn't concentrate on God as much as i should of, he didn't want me to end up thinking like "well i go to church every sunday so that makes me christian." No! He wanted me to see how much he loved me by dying for me, for us, and by using those things that i mentioned earlier, that is how he is going to strengthen me. And God NEVER makes mistakes, he NEVER does things to us out of hatred :)))
I've learned a massive lesson out of this, and i guess our lives, in one way of looking at it is one lesson...
Believing is Beauty
Makeup and dieting won't get me anywhere, and i know that now. By believing it will give your life a whole new meaning, it will change the way you are, it will change you inside and out! :D xx
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Skit! ( Blog by Zsara )
Hey people, Zsara here : )
Right so first of all we are all well ...
Anyway, at youth group we are doing a skit. A skit is like a play/acting thingy.
But it has no words.
And we started practising last night at youth group.
It was really fun, we all love it!
Im gonna try to find the actual video of it. (not us)
I've found it. I hope you like it : )
Its ace isn't it!? I love it!
It will be hard, but God will help us all. The hard thing is, keeping a straight face and not laughing. : ) So what do you think? Were going to do it at church, not sure when yet, But it'll be fun. And will touch people.
There is other versions of it on youtube, so if you want to watch other ones or again. Type in : Lighthouse everything skit. And loads will come up!
That ones the best. But some of the others are really funny. Well so im told.
Right ok, cya all!
Right so first of all we are all well ...
Anyway, at youth group we are doing a skit. A skit is like a play/acting thingy.
But it has no words.
And we started practising last night at youth group.
It was really fun, we all love it!
Im gonna try to find the actual video of it. (not us)
I've found it. I hope you like it : )
Its ace isn't it!? I love it!
It will be hard, but God will help us all. The hard thing is, keeping a straight face and not laughing. : ) So what do you think? Were going to do it at church, not sure when yet, But it'll be fun. And will touch people.
There is other versions of it on youtube, so if you want to watch other ones or again. Type in : Lighthouse everything skit. And loads will come up!
That ones the best. But some of the others are really funny. Well so im told.
Right ok, cya all!
Monday, 18 February 2013
Helping others
Hey its me Zezi so hope y'all ok .
So happy late valentines DAY guys! So what did you do for valentines? Well first of all i have to say you were lucky if you had a valentine. Do you wanna know what i did on the 14 of February, well i went up in my room turned the tv on and watched a bunch of sad movies all by myself yeah wateva you can sing the song if you like, so i didnt get a valentine but life goes on doesn't it yeah, i think it does lol.
..so enough about what i did on valentines day so amma tell you whats happening in my life this year and what i wanna achive as a person this year and also what GOD wants all of us to do really.
Well this year am going to focus on helping others around me and around the world because theres alot of people suffering around the world so am gonna try and help as much as i can in any way that i can even. So yeah, the first thing am doing is a Christian aid walk thing down at Tittersworth reservoir in Stoke on trent, but you know what would be great well it would be great if you can join us and everyone else thats doing it well if you live in Stoke like me then you can do the walk but if you don't please just find one around where you live. The second thing i've got on my mind is RED NOSE DAY i need something to do for red nose day but for money so if you got anything in mind tweet me at @girlzan on twitter then i can try to persuade some of my friends to give me money to do the dare or anything really. Well if you do any of these two things am doing, think about how many peoples lives you can change.
if you havent figured it out yet well on valentines day i was at school so there was no way i could have watched sad movies cause when i came back home i went to bed tired from all the tests i had to do.
And this is to my girls
HEY WLD CREW SO I NEED YOU GUYS TO DO THIS WITH ME SO ARE YOU IN. ( text me if ya'll in ya'll got my number by the way am using my old number again. )
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